[GlowWorm FW v1.5.1b3]
Released date: 2006.12.20
Revision number: 1526
Download link: GlowWorm-1.5.1b3.dmg.zip
Looking back at the release notes (five weeks after I wrote them), I declared that this would
likely be the final beta release before it was declared stable. I ended up with another five
beta releases. Funny stuff.
Additions have to be made to the binary rule format on a pretty regular basis, to support
additional fields and options. The glowwormd process which loads these rules into the kernel
extension now automatically upgrades the rule file format if the current version is newer than
the version last used on the glowworm.gwrule file. It's pretty nifty how it works. However, just
in case it doesn't work so well, the original rule file is backed up in the same directory, for
safe keeping.
When starting GlowWorm.app, if the currently installed kernel extension is older than the one
included with the bundle, and it sees fit to try to upgrade it, it will bail if the kernel
extension is actually loaded. You must unload the kernel extension before it will be upgraded.
- The daemon which loads rules into the kernel extension now automatically upgrades the rule file format if it is out-dated.
- The original file is backed up in the same directory.
- The uninstaller will now refuse to uninstall if the kernel extension is loaded.
- The GlowWorm app will now refuse to upgrade the kernel extension if the installed kernel extension is loaded.
- The alert dialog (part of the Menubar app) now features a customizable auto-answer timeout feature.
- Fixed a bug which caused the remote port to display as zero.
- Improved IO responsiveness when reading from the kernel extension.
- Fixed a rule duplication issue in the daemon.