

The GlowWorm class is the base for all functionality. Only a single instance of this class should exist at a time. You should never have to manually create this instance.

In the future, each GlowWorm instance will represent a connection to a specific machine, and multiple instances will be allowed. Not at the moment, though.


Returns the singleton GlowWorm instance.
Retrieves the local group list from NetInfo.
Retrieves the local user list from NetInfo.
Returns the local user list for this machine.


Returns the singleton GlowWorm instance.

+ (
        GlowWorm *)getInstance; 
function result
Return: GlowWorm - The single static instance of GlowWorm for this runtime. NULL - Something went horribly wrong.

Only a single instance of GlowWorm should exist at a time. The creation of this single instance is handled internally. Just call this class method to get it.


Retrieves the local group list from NetInfo.

- (
function result
Return: TRUE - Was able to retrieve the local group list. FALSE - Was not able to retrieve the local group list.

If you are writing a plugin, you do not ever need to call this method. If you are writing a stand-alone application, this method needs to be called before the localGroups method will be able to return the local group list.

Ultimately, this mess will be handled through the kernel extension, so that the local group list will pertain to the machine running the kernel extension and not necessarily the machine running the application.


Retrieves the local user list from NetInfo.

- (
function result
Return: TRUE - Was able to retrieve the local user list. FALSE - Was not able to retrieve the local user list.

If you are writing a plugin, you do not ever need to call this method. If you are writing a stand-alone application, this method needs to be called before the localUsers method will be able to return the local user list.

Ultimately, this mess will be handled through the kernel extension, so that the local user list will pertain to the machine running the kernel extension and not necessarily the machine running the application.


Returns the local user list for this machine.

- (
        NSDictionary *)localUsers; 
function result
Return: NSDictionary - The local user list. NULL - The initLocalUserList method was not called first or did not succeed.

Before this will return the local user list, the initLocalUserList method must be called. If you are writing a plugin, you do not need to worry about this. If you are writing a stand-alone application then you must make sure this is accomplished.

The elements of the NSDictionary returned by this method are keyed on the respective uids (NSNumber) of the users. Each object is also an NSDictionary with the keys "name", "realname" and "uid".

(Last Updated January 25, 2007)